Rules to follow when in nature

As part of our support of ANIMA, we would like to raise awareness on the importance of preserving and protecting wildlife and nature.

With the upcoming Christmas holidays and the opportunity of taking long walks in nature, whether it is in a forest, on a mountain or by the sea, having the following rules in mind can ensure that we are both responsible and respectful to nature

  • Always be aware of the local rules and regulations. Read carefully any information provided by the authorities when entering a national park, a forest, or going at the beach.
  • Avoid being too loud.
  • Do not start an open fire, especially during the summer months when the risk of wildfires is higher.
  • Walk always on the designated path, if there is one.
  • Never get close to animal nests.
  • If you find a wild animal that is injured or in need, always contact a wildlife care centre first before taking any action.
  • Do your homework. When visiting somewhere where it is very likely to encounter wild animals, be aware of their habits and their breeding season.
  • Of course, never litter.

Enjoy nature and be mindful of your surroundings!

We are reminded every day that our actions matter. At Evnia, we believe that they should be in the service of society and the world around us. It is part of our ethos, our filotimo – and we do our best to always conduct ourselves with that in mind, wherever we are; a conference hall, or a forest!